Tooth root formative procedures are dental procedures that encourage and enhance the development, repair, and stabilization of the tooth's root. These procedures are required when the root is underdeveloped, damaged, or at risk of injury, decay, or disease. Our team at Dantbatrisa excels in tooth root formative procedures that can help reform your tooth root.
Types of Tooth Root Formative Procedures
This type of tooth root formative procedure promotes continued root growth and development in an immature tooth with a living pulp. It is the best option for young patients with significant tooth decay or trauma.
Apexification helps form tooth roots, which induces root-end closure in an immature tooth with dead pulp. This is a great option for regenerating teeth with dead pulp so they can grow normally.
Regenerative Endodontics:
Regenerative endodontics helps stimulate the regrowth of tissues similar to tooth roots, aiding in the development of immature teeth. This treatment is suitable for young patients with necrotic pulp and partial root development.
Root Canal Treatment with Root Strengthening:
Root Canal Treatment may sometimes be accompanied by damaged or fractured roots. Root strengthening can help with weakened roots that are prone to fracturing.
Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR):
If you have had periodontal disease or trauma that has affected the root and surrounding structures, guided tissue regeneration is the one treatment that you could benefit from. This is best for stimulating the growth of bone and periodontal ligament surrounding the tooth root.